What Lies Beyond

By Team 8 - Jake Isaacs, Beatrix Austria, Zijia Zhu and Khanh Tran


What Lies Beyond is a first-person single player game where the player has to navigate through different mazes and solve puzzles to escape and obtain valuable treasures. Each maze has a different setting as well as various puzzles and losing conditions that players can have fun exploring. 


Travelling through time and space, you are the infamous treasure collector and you have one goal. This time, you are going on a hunt for the so-called unobtainable lost treasure of time. The treasures are rumoured to be hidden in mysterious mazes and labyrinths that no one dares to enter due to the number of people that have gone missing and how it can cause one to lose their mind. With a burning desire to complete your collection, you are determined to obtain the treasure by all means. Setting fear aside and entering the maze, you can sense pressure in the air as darkness envelops, preventing you from knowing what is awaits. 


  • Find treasure by completing all the puzzles and escape the maze.  
  • Pick up objects to open doors. 
  • Don't stay in the dark for too long.

Game controls:

  • W-A-S-D to Move 
  • Mouse to Rotate Camera 
  • Right-Click Mouse to Interact 
  • Left-Shift to Sprint
  • Left-Control to Crouch
  • Space to Jump


Level1Build.zip 8.2 MB